A small website
Hey! My name’s Brice, I’m a Computer Engineer and I love all things computer and technology related. Below is a list of a bunch of things i’ve done. Feel free to look around!
Music is my first and foremost passion. I play guitar and listen to music every day. Sometimes I even play live with my friends. I’ve played the trumpet for 12 years but had to play a little less ever since being in a dorm.
I love to tinker and play with computers, especially single board computers. Recently i’ve gotten a Raspberry Pi and the possibilites of things that can be done with it are endless. In addition to that though I’ve built a plethora of computers and I like to be up to date with the next best thing. I really like linux and free (as in speech) and open source software . My personal favorite distro is Ubuntu for the ease of use. It tends to be much easier to get set up for developing.
I’m very interested in microprocessor architecture and decided for my capstone in college that I would build my own. I learned alot about the core foundations of processor design. Heres a link to a instruction set simulator I built for it! More recently however I’ve been looking into the architecture of more complex CPUs such as x86/OpenSparc and more. The architecture I like the most right now though, is RISC-V because of its open implementation and easy extensibility. I think this is where the future should head for processor design.
I also like to code! (See the sectiong below for more info) I love learning about new languages and what they have to offer. Over the past year and a half i’ve tried a number of new and exciting languages. Python is the language I immediately go for if I need to quickly script something together but using some of the more exciting features such as type hinting has been nice.
Then of course is watching videos, reading books, and playing video games. I Highly recommend both to anyone interested. Video game wise I recently finished up Elden Ring which was a blast.
I’m a big fan of podcasts as well and reguarly listen to Gotime, Talk Python to me, and a lot of others but it’s always nice to be up to date on the ecosystem of a language.
There has been a lot of cool and exciting languages that have come up within the past couple years. Briefly I will go through some of the ones that excite me the most (I will definitely need to go into these more at some point). Go, Nim, Rust, Crystal, and Zig are all languages that I have invested some or a lot of my time learning.
Nowadays a lot of coding I do is in private repositories and mostly to just play around with different ideas and technology. I built a redis clone with a subset of functionality, a hackernews and lobsters cli program that rendered to the terminal with clickable links, and more! The programming language I built was decently useful and I’ve been working on it on and off for the past 3 years. Sometimes all I build is a scraper to get information from countless websites.
Time seems to be the hardest thing to get a hold of and I’ve been working on doing as much as I can outside as well.